One followed right after the other into the water.

Twenty-two in all.

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 

First the name.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 

Tim, Helen, Denae, Reggie, Brenda, Sonia, Nick, Maynardโ€ฆ

Then the testimony.

โ€œGod didnโ€™t give up on me.โ€

โ€œI love the Lord with all my heart.โ€

โ€œI just want to thank the Lordโ€ฆโ€

โ€œJesus Christ is my Lord and Saviorโ€ฆโ€

โ€œGod didnโ€™t give up on me.โ€

โ€œI love the Lord with my whole heart.โ€

Then the water.

โ€œJohn, I baptize you in the nameโ€ฆโ€

โ€œPam, I baptize you in the nameโ€ฆโ€

โ€œSue, I baptize you in the nameโ€ฆโ€

With each additional name, with every testimony, and with all the baptisms, excitement rose then soared.

When the last went under and arose from the water, I wondered, โ€œAre there no more?โ€

I wanted the experience to continue. I wanted one more to state his name. I wanted one more to offer her testimony. I wanted one more to receive baptism.

I wanted to do it again.

And again.

And again.

What an incredible opportunityโ€”to stand in the river where John baptized Jesus. What a glorious glimpse of God’s family gathering at the Jordan River and acknowledging His work in our lives.

In the midst of this marvelous event came the distractions. Fish nibbling at my feet. Exotic birds flitting down the river. A nutria (a muskrat on steroids) swimming in the background. An overheard conversation in Russian.

The distractions were momentary. And, to be honest, added to the experience.

I saw.

I heard.

I felt.

The memories will last a lifetime. And, prayerfully, will influence how I approach my faith in the future.

How so?

1)ย ย ย ย ย  The experience enlarges my vision. It reinforces the corporate image I have of my relationship with the one God. Iโ€™m incorporated into His family. I do not stand alone in my faith. In the past, someone helped me enter the faith journey. In the present, others help me remain on the path.

2)ย ย ย ย ย  The experience invites me to express my faith to others. Hearing people testify revitalized my own faith. Knowing how othersโ€™ testimonies encouraged me motivates me to listen and look for those opportunities to share my own experiences as I walk with God.

3)ย ย ย ย ย  The experience arouses the desire to help in the new birth process. Jesus spoke about the spiritual birth initiated by the Holy Spirit, God’s unseen Presence. Itโ€™s been awhile since I shared my faith and saw someone be born into God’s family. Baptism in the Jordan River reminded me of the joy of new birth. I desire to be an active participant in the familyโ€™s growth plan.

Question: What expands your vision and encourages your faith?

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8 responses to “Shall We Gather at the River?”

  1. Brandon Avatar

    Thats really cool!

    By the way, I posted a recipe way back on the first announcement…do I need to post another 1 or am I in? ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. tnealtarver Avatar

      You are in, my brother. And it’s time I tried that smoothie.

      1. Brandon Avatar

        It is delicious! But I personally like it with cranberry juice (or other berry juice) instead of yogurt. Yogurt makes more of the smoothie, but I love berries!

  2. Richard Burkey Avatar

    Always inspiring to hear what God is doing. Thanks for reminding me to keep praying for another one to gather at the river.

    1. tnealtarver Avatar

      Hope we can all celebrate as we see more come into the family.

  3. Donna Malone Hamilton Avatar
    Donna Malone Hamilton

    Tom, was this on your trip to Israel? Coby and I were both baptized, a second time, in the River Jordan. Great experience with 40 others. Love your blog! In HIS love, Coby & Donna H!

    1. tnealtarver Avatar

      Hey, Donna, I’ve been remiss about answering your question. Yes, this was on our Work & Witness trip to Israel and Jordan. It’s been so long since you commented you’re probably thinking, “What did I ask?” Hope ya’ll have a grand time in October. Sure wish Ellen and I could join the fun. We’ll actually be down there a few weeks earlier.

  4. Are You A Part of This Story? | A Curious Band of Others Avatar

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